Bad News-
January was the month of sickness for me and snow. Had a couple snow days which was fun while it lasted, but not so fun taking very precious days off of work.
Also, had some sort of crazy stomach bug for two days. Couldn't keep anything down and lost 3 pounds in the process (Silver Lining?)
Good News-
Bought my plane ticket to London for the last week in April...I know I am crazy, but its this new found Travel bug that i just can't seem to shake (and honestly don't want to). I figure I will travel as much as my wallet will allow until the day I get married and start having babies. (To be honest, that may not stop me. I may just be strapping the kids in a plane and taking them with me. Lord Willing!)
Side Note-
Exciting things I will be doing in London.
-Good Friday Service at Westminster Abbey
-Easter Services at Hillsong and St. Paul's
-The Royal Ballet's performance of Cinderella
-ROYAL WEDDING!-Thinking early of the best strategy to see the Prince and Princess on wedding day. May have to wake up early and scout the best picture taking locations!

More Good News-
-Kendra and I started watching Mad Men. Its amazing and has made me want to start wearing lots of liquid eyeliner and red lipstick.

-Started Discipleship with one of my High School Girls, Kristen. Her thirst for the Word is such an encouragement and is contagious. Love her!
That is it for now...I am going to try and be better about my blog writing skills!!!! I promise.
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