It is an addiction...I need to stop but the temptation of having so much information at my fingertips is just too overwhelming....the following sites are to blame...
The Sartorialist
The photographer who started this blog worked in the fashion industry for 15 years. Now he walks around different cities and takes pictures of what real, average, everyday people wear in cities like New York, Sydney, Milan, Paris and Tokyo.
Design Sponge
This blog is run by Grace, who used to be an editor at one of my favorite magazines, Domino, now the magazine has been shut down, but she still posts about things that are going on in the design world. It is a great blog filled with amazing ideas and inspiration from other people.
Rick Steves
The king of travel tips...he has a tv show, books, and travel gear. Its a great resource when planning my next adventure.
Entertainment Weekly
I am a sucker for pop culture, and this site always has the latest info on what's happening in the entertainment world. Plus it used to be the home of my favorite LOST recap blog written by Doc Jensen.
Trip Advisor
Users can post reviews for 100s of restaurants, shops and hotels all over the world. Perfect for when you are going on a trip and don't want to end up paying a ton of money to eat crappy food.
J. Crew
One side of my brain says, "I want to dress more urban and trendy" but the prepster side of my brain always wins when i go on this site or in the store and see tons of pretty things begging for me to take them home.
I could be on this site for hours...if only i could afford it.