This past Sunday my Poppa turned 60. In honor of Pops here is a little list I will call...reasons my dad is the greatest ever.
1. Constantly showing me what the unconditional Love and Grace of my Heavenly Father looks like
2. Teaching me the importance of hard work and sacrifice.
3. Loving my Mom for 40 plus years.
4. Telling me that I could be anything I wanted to be.
5. Teaching me how to mow my yard.
6. Showing me how to ride said Lawn mower into our pond.
7. Constantly having the corniest jokes ever in the world, and insisting on telling them over and over.
8. Passing on your love for Chocolate.
9. Calling my number and then forgetting that you were calling me and not the other way around.
10. Sacrificing so Mom could stay home with us and be an awesome Domestic Goddess.
11. Being Passionate about Christian School education and dedicating your time to build DCHS.
12. Being a good friend to people and giving tirelessly of yourself.
13. Going to MomMom's everyday to take care of her.
14. Teaching me when I was 8, that Barbies are not realistic interpretations of what real beautiful women look like.
15. Telling me that I was special and treating me like a princess.
16. Being an amazing PopPop to my niece and nephews.
17. Teaching me how to fish, ride a bike and drive a car.
18. Not getting mad at me that one time I drove said car into a curb and popped the tire
19. Teaching me how to change said tire.
20. Being there when I needed directions in the dark room during my Photography class.
21. Being passionate about the Portraits you take and the clients you have had.
22. Taking me to my first Orioles game.
23. Taking me to my first Nascar race.
24. Staying up until 2am looking for our dog Buddy, who to this day we insist was raptured.
25. Moving me and all my junk to Charlotte.
26. Coming out of a difficult childhood to be a Godly amazing man!
27. Slowly turning into a big old Teddy Bear.
28. Taking so many pictures of our awesome family for us to look back on.
29. Volunteering in the community
30. Loving your children when they are sometimes being very difficult ;).
I love you Dad. So proud to be your daughter.