Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Been a little MIA from the blog since returning from Boston, but I am so excited that it is Thanksgiving!!! I will be flying home to the sweet Eastern Shore tomorrow morning to spend the holiday with the raddest family around. Lots of food, fun and family time is about to go down!.
If you haven't heard of Ann Voskamp she is a wife, mother, writer, and blogger who has a wonderful website called  A Holy Experience. She has also written a book called "One Thousand Gifts". I am in the process of reading this book through again and have been challenged to start my own list of the things and moments that I am grateful for. I would challenge you to read the book and make your own list. How often we get discouraged and forget all the wonderful blessings our great God has given us...most of all the gift of his Abounding Love and Grace!!!
So in honor of this special holiday here are some things I am grateful for.

1. Grace....in all its forms....in the countless reminders that I am in need of a Savior and His love has wiped away all my sins.
2. Family...they are the biggest blessing in my life and I don't tell them enough how much I love and appreciate them.
3. Best friends...as I have said in my previous post....these girls are the best and I am so honored to walk through life with them.
4. Roommates...both current and past roomies who have blessed my life and taught me so much.
5. Co-workers....what can I say..in all my years I have never had a working experience like this....These people are an encouragement and joy to my heart. There is nothing like working along side people you love and respect so much.

I could go on and on...but these people are just at the top of a list that could continue on forever. Here's to making this Thanksgiving the best one yet, and a reminder that all good and perfect gifts come from the great love of an amazing heavenly Father.

Side note....
My roomie, Kendra's dear friends the Colemans just had a little boy named Issac who has had quite the battle in this new litttle body of his. He has fanconi anemia which is a rare blood disorder, and has already had a few surgeries and will require more in the coming years. In order to help with the mounting medical bills...a blogger friend and fellow Lee Alum, Knox McCoy has set up a TOMs shoes giveaway in order to raise money for this sweet family. If you have time please head over to Knox's blog to learn more about the giveaway, and you can go here to donate to the Coleman family and read the rest of their story. And most importantly please lift up this amazing family in your prayers.


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