Friday, July 22, 2011


There is an amazing site called Gofobo. My sweet roomie, Dawn told me about it like a year ago and since then we have been hooked. You can sign up for an account and they will send you free movie passes to sneak previews of films before they are released....did you catch that little magic word I used in there? FREE!!!! So since then I have seen maybe 3 or 4 films at least a week before they have been released. Its awesome!!!
The more screenings you go to the more emails they send you, but you have to sign up for passes the minute you get the email as they go quickly and just because you get a pass doesn't guarantee admission so you also have to get there early. I am telling you though it is sooo worth it.
Last weekend I got an email from them for a screening of Crazy, Stupid Love. Can I tell you I snatched 2 of those puppies up as fast as possible. I had first seen the trailer like 2 or 3 months ago and was so excited about this film. The trailer is below...

Looks amazing right? And Ryan Gosling in a comedy? Say What!!!!!

Ok so even though it looks like a typical romantic is not. Its Amazing!!!! Like laugh, cry, scream...the whole audience was so loud and going nuts the whole film. I don't think I have ever had such a fun experience in a theater like this before. The acting is great, its not cheesy funny just written really well and very clever. Steve Carell is awesome as is Julianne Moore and Emma Stone, and of course Mr. Gosling is amazing...and so fine. Swoon doesn't even begin to describe guys if you take your girl to see this be prepared. weekend the 29th of July instead of going to see that lame Captain America crap...take your friends, family, coworkers, spouse...whoever to go see this movie! You will be so glad you did...

Below check out Ryan Gosling on Jimmy Fallon the other night...adorable...


Lorni said...

just signed up!

Sarah Von Bargen said...

I'm not sure it's possible to accurately articulate how much I love that guy. Photoshopped abs, indeed!

Brynna said...

that's so cool! i used to work at blockbuster and we sometimes got free passes to screenings, that's one of the things i miss most about that job! thanks for the heads up on this. i'm signing up right away!

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