Tuesday, March 29, 2011

4 day Birthday Fiestas....

I have the best friends...can I brag a little? Ok Maybe I am going to brag a lot...cause they really are amazing people!!! My sweet roomies Kendra and Dawn threw me a Mad Men themed Birthday Party on Saturday night. If you don't watch Mad Men you should. Its amazing...Here are some pics from the evening...
PS If anyone is wondering no real cigarettes were used in the making of this party...They are candy (and didn't taste very good).


My actual Birthday was on Sunday. I took full advantage of the whole day of rest thing, and pretty much did nothing. Went to church Sunday night and my beautiful High School Girls Life Group sang to me and had a cake it was chocolate and so good until i dropped it on the floor. :)

Did I mention they had trick candles, and we almost burnt down the church?

Monday I took the day off and it was Glorious!!! Normally I only take days off when I am going on vacation or am sick. This day was just a mental health day and boy did I need it!
Took care of this pup...

(his BFF Hershey was too busy lounging to smile for me)

Went to On the Border with my sister...

Too busy stuffing my face to take any more pictures...

Finally, ended up at Ikea. The Sulkirk House is getting a new kitchen WHAT UP!!!!!!

I know what you are thinking...man that is a great Birthday weekend...surely there can't be more.....Oh Yes there is!!!
Got to work this morning to find this...

And this...

And these...

And a Framed picture of our fun times as Mad Men and Women...

Here's to 28....you better live up to the hype yo!


kendra said...

it does. I promise. it will be your favorite.

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